Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello old friend

Holy cats! Its been three years since Ive posted on this here blog. And Im pretty sure that the last time that I made an attempt at being a productive blogger I felt the same as I do now. We'll see how it goes.
I realize that I dont have any followers and that Im just talking to myself, but I do have some things to blog about and maybe just maybe I will jump into this social media thing.

Let me just start off by saying that its Friday and that I really dislike this day of the week. I know, I know, for many its the best day of the week since its obviously the end, however, its the equivalent of my monday!

Watched "My Bloody Valentine" today. Ive been on a movie kick lately. I will have a number of reviews to follow, possibly....if i keep up. Or rather, follow up with the last number of movies viewed.
My Bloody Valentine lacks good acting, as many horror movies do. It does however provide a great amount of gore. Quite humorous actually.

Currently watching "Stranger than Fiction", Ive seen it before, but I do like it. ~ciao~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo! We should really start up our blogging skills again. I read over all of our old posts back in the day and it brings back such great memories. Hope you are well my little lamb chop - xoxo

2:31 PM  

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